
Monday, December 27, 2010

Remember This!

A sad and twisted thought came upon my mind.
Something so sadistic that should be left behind.

I thought about those who have died so soon, and what I was doing when they met their doom.

I thought about myself, about my blood and my tears.
Living with nothing but pain and my tormented fears.

I noticed something that just didn’t seem right.
Something to make you cry and shiver in the night.

Every time you smile, another child cries.
Every time you’re happy another person dies.

When everything’s going right and it’s the best day of your life,
someone out there has had enough and is picking up that knife.

Every time you have someone another person is alone,
every time you feel loved another child is on their own.

When your parents are hugging you and showering you with kisses,
some child out there is being beaten by parents who are making death wishes.

Every time you see the light another child only sees the dark. Every time you’re healthy another person is cutting a fresh mark.

So remember this next time you’re having a good day,
another someone out there is dying in some way.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christian And Christ Like There is A Difference!

Back in November 2009 a 20 year old woman was admited into St. Joseph's hospital in Phoenix, AZ. The woman was suffering from Pulmunary Hypertension and her condition was being worsened by her pregnancy to the point where her death was imminent. Due to the severity of the situation doctors decided to end the pregnanacy in order to save the woman's life. Sounds like the right thing to do right? Well, not according to the Catholic Church.

You see St. Joseph's is an affiliate of the Roman Catholic Church which means that in order to maintain that affiliation the hospital has to agree to certain bioethics that the church has, which are based on the Catholic teachings. Linda Hunt, St. Joseph's CEO stated, “Consistent with our values of dignity and justice, if we are presented with a situation in which a pregnancy threatens a woman’s life, our first priority is to save both patients. If that is not possible we will always save the life we can save, and that is what we did in this case, We continue to stand by the decision, which was made in collaboration with the patient, her family, her caregivers, and our Ethics Committee. Morally, ethically, and legally we simply cannot stand by and let someone die whose life we might be able to save.”

However Bishop Thomas Olmstead, the head of the Phoenix Diocese sees it his way, "An unborn child is not a disease," Olmstead said in response to the hospital's statement. "While medical professionals should certainly try to save a pregnant mother's life, the means by which they do it can never be by directly killing her unborn child. The end does not justify the means and if a Catholic formally cooperates in the procurement of an abortion, they are automatically excommunicated by that action."

In a letter written last month to the president of Catholic Healthcare West, the parent company of St. Joseph's Hospital, Olmstead said he wanted more oversight of the hospital to make sure it complies with Catholic healthcare. He wants acknowledgment that he was right and the hospital was wrong in its interpretation of the church's directive on "indirect abortions." "There cannot be a tie in this debate," Olmsted wrote. "Until this point in time, you have not acknowledged my authority to settle this question."

So what does St. Joseph's hospital get for trying to do the right thing? The Bishop has stripped the hospital of it's Catholic affiliation. Which means the hospital is not allowed to hold mass and Communion wafers that Catholics believe to be the body of Christ would also be removed from the site.

So based on the last quote by the Bishop is this really about whether the proper actions were taken by St. Joseph's or is more about "I'm right, your wrong"? Here is where my opinion comes in. First and foremost Bishop Thomas Olmstead and  the Catholic church or any church for that matter should stay out of healthcare! Unless the Bishop has an M.D. (He doesn't) I don't want him telling any hospital or doctor how to treat patients. Seriously, doesn't the Catholic Church have bigger internal problems to deal with?!

So now because of the Bishop's apparent power trip the families of the patients admitted there will not be able to find the spiritual guidence and comfort in their most desperate of times?! Real Christian thing to do there Catholic church! Apparently this Bishop has forgotten the difference between being "Christian" and "Christ Like", There is a difference!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Power Of Possitivity!

Twenty-four years ago I came to this country as a 7 year old boy. I grew up in the the tough streets of South Central Los Angeles where possitivity is hard to come by. I must've been one of the lucky ones because through out my childhood and hardships that my family went through there was always someone or something that showed us that there was still hope. Growing up I had plenty of positive role models to look up to from my Mother to teachers. They all taught me that if you want to see positivity you must first change your attitude about your situation or circumstance. Mahatma Gandhi said, "You must become the change you want to see".

I never forgot those lessons of those positive role models and it's because of them and their positive and encouraging words I have been able to overcome any obstacle that has come in my life. The power of positivity is real! You attract what you put out. My radio show, One Voice Radio was started because of my strong belief in positivity. I believed that there were a lot of people out there doing positive things that we were not hearing about. It is my way to spread the same positivity I received as a child in South Central Los Angeles.

So why am I tell you all of this? Well, Amway the largest direct selling company and and manufacturer in the world is having a contest. They have asked me to help them spread the word and I am more than honored to do so.

The contest is called "The Positivity Project". Amway is looking for positive Hispanic stories that are motivational! By submitting you story you will have the chance to win the grand prize of $10,000! Nine others will receive $2500 positivity prizes all dedicated to the advancement of positive! To submit your story go to the contest ends on October 17th so hurry and get your story in!

Amway has also been generous enough to allow me to give away some VIP Positivity Baskets which come with Amway’s high end product samples of two of Amway’s top lines NUTRILITE, the world’s leading brand of vitamin, mineral and dietary supplements and Artistry skin care. I will choose the winner of the VIP Positivity Baskets on the 17th. In order to win follow me on Twitter or Facebook for further details!

I look forward to reading all of the positive stories that will be submited and I wish you all the best of luck!!

UPDATE: Amway has announced its winner for the first-ever Positivity Project contest!

Caitlin Boyle, founder of, was awarded a $10,000 positivity grant which she plans to donate to Girls on the Run International, a non-profit program that encourages preteen girls to develop self-respect and healthy lifestyles through running. Although Caitlin is not Hispanic, her story and message is sure one to resonate with our Hispanic community.

The mission of Operation Beautiful is to end negative self talk by leaving anonymous notes in public places for other women to find. It began with Boyle leaving a simple positive message on the mirror of a public restroom – “You Are Beautiful!” – and has developed into a movement encouraging women all over the world to leave anonymous notes of positive encouragement.

You can view Caitlin’s story, and others submissions, at In addition we are encouraging individuals to continue to share their stories about how the “Power of Positive” has changed their life or the life of someone they know by submitting them to our ongoing Living Library of positivity; submission details and stories can be viewed here.

Caitlin was also recently selected as one of SELF magazine’s Top Health Heroines of 2010! Among them are Michelle Obama, Jessica Biel and Christy Turlington.

Remember the contest might be over but you can still submit your story. Who knows maybe you will inspire the next Caitlin Boyle!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Una Carta Abierta Para Mi Esposa

Agosto 26, 2010

Mi querida Esposa,

Esta carta va hacer una de las mas honestas y sinceras que jamas te escribire. Quiero que sepas como me siento y como me haz echo sentir.

La relacion entre tu y yo siempre ha sido turbulente. Siempre hemos tenido algun conflicto que resolver. Pero siempre esos conflictos nos hacian unirlos mas y mas. Por lo menos de mi parte a si fue siempre.

Yo e intentado demostrarte un amor sin igual. Un amor que te hiciera olvidar de cualquier otro en tu pasado. Todo empeso tan simple. Me acuerdo el dia que nos besamos por primera vez. Ese beso inicio una obsession, una necesidad, un apetito de todo lo que eras tu.

Una obsession por tus caricias, por tu amor y por tus miradas coquetas. Una nesecidad por tus besos, por tu tiempo y tu comprendimiento. Un apetito por tu calor, tu passion y simplemente saber que siempre pudiera confiar en ti.

Desde ese dia tu fuiste mi primer y ultimo pensamiento que tuve cada dia. En mis momentos bajos siempre haz estado a mi lado consolando me. En mis momentos mas alegres siempre haz estado a mi lado sonriendo con migo. Cualquier plan que yo hago siempre busco una manera en como incluirte.

Y es que en verdad te digo, que tu eres mi mundo y mi mas bella realidad! Yo siempre estuve seguro de mi mismo. Siempre sabia mi valor. Pero al apar tuyo tu tomas eso y lo multiplicas cada vez que me acaricias, cada vez que me besas. Cada noche en nuestra cama. Tu renaciste el amante que estaba dentro de mi.

Por eso y por tantas cosas mas yo le doy gracias a Dios y a ti! Antes que te conociera yo pense que sabia lo que era amar. Lo que era ser dedicado a solo una persona. Pero un dia en la primavera del ano 2006, yo extendi mi mano para saludarte. Nadie nos pudio advertir de que significante eso iva hacer.

Para mi cuando nuestras manos se unieron, significo tambien la unificacion de nuestras almas. Tu y yo no teniamos ni idea de eso en ese momento. Pero nuestras almas se han estado tratando de encontrarse desde siempre! No fue coinsidencia que viviamos y ivamos a los mismos lugares casi al mismo tiempo. No fue coinsidencia que cuando nos besamos por primera vez senti una calma en mi ser.

Pon atencion a cada palabra que yo escribo. Porque no es Christian quien escribe esto, si no su alma. Cuando me enamore de ti, me enamore completamente de ti. Me enamore de tus labios, de tus ojos y de tu risa. Me enamore de tu pelo, tus manos y tu caricias. Me enamore de el lunar en tu mejia, de la manera en que me miras cuando estas enojada conmigo. Me enamore de tu piel y tu pasion de mujer

Tu y yo hemos derramado muchas lagrimas juntos y a solas. Por errores cometidos y por momentos de alegria. Por una palabra, por un abrazo o pro un beso. Ten por seguro que todas esas gotas de crystal no han sido en vano. Todas esas gotas fueron una afirmacion de un amor que compartimos.

Tu eres siemplemente la mitad que me faltaba. Cuando miro a tus ojos me dices tantas cosas sin murmurar tan si quiera una palabra. Te pido que por favor jamas me falte tu cuerpo, la ternura de tu despertar que no me falte jamas. Esa calma que acaricia mi alma que no me falte jamas.

Tu eres la luz que llena todas mis mananas. Tu dejas en tus pasos la mejor de las fragancias. Cuando te sientas sola lee esta carta para que te sirva de recuerdo de cuanto yo te amo. Y si cuando te sientas sola es porque Dios me ha llamado, que te sirva de recuerdo de cuanto yo te ame!

Desafortunadamente no hay suficientes lenguajes ni suficientes palabras para poderte expresar lo que yo siento por ti. Esta carta es solo un pequeno atento de hacer eso. Recuerda que te quiero por encima de cualquier pero, mas a ya del poderoso caballero Don Dinero. Hoy cumplimos un ano de estar casados, que rapido pasa el tiempo. En un ano emos vivido una vida entera. Estoy orgulloso de ser tuyo. Pero estoy mas orgulloso de poder llamarte mi esposa. Dejame decirte que adorarte para mi es religion.

Esta es la historia de un amor como no hay otro igual. Que me hizo comprender todo el vien y todo el mal. Un amor que de verdad no solo lo senti en mi Corazon si no tambien en mi alma. Solo te pido que me jures que nunca olvidaras el momento en que yo te conoci. Que cuando me mires que realizes que no hay nada mas grande ni mas profundo que el carino que te di. Te pido que cuando me beses que sean besos enamorados, besos apasionados.

Tu siempre seras mi perfecta decision, tiem!

Tu esposo enamorado

Saturday, July 10, 2010

To Think!

To think I once trusted you with my life.
To think I was once proud to call you my wife.

To think I let you in my heart.
I never thought you would be the one to tear it apart.

To think of how much I once admired you.
To think of how much I once desired you.

To think I once placed you in the highest pedestal.
To think of that one day you ruined it all.

To think I once planned to have kids with you.
How can I now? I don't believe in you!

To think of how you dared to tell me "I love you" after what you did.
Makes me wnat to cut my veins and let them bleed!

To think of you brings back the pain.
I'll be dammed if I'm going to get fooled again!

To think of you brings out a darkness that I have tried hard to suppress.
Now that darkness won't let me rest.

To think of how perfect I thought we were.
How could I not see what was truly there?

To think of you asking me if I thought we would "last forever."
You had everything planned out, you were so clever!

To think of how you took advantage of my trust.
For a selfish moment of lust.

To think of how hard I tried to be true to you.
To think you were the one I thought I knew.

To think of you reminds me of how much I loved you!

Friday, March 12, 2010


Many of you may already know that I have started a new internet radio talk show! I am super excited about this! Today I am announcing the name of the show. Drum roll please... the name is "One Voice Radio"!
Why "One Voice Radio"? because this show is going to be different. This show will be powered by you the listener. This is your opportunity to get your voice heard. If there is a topic that you want me to talk about you can contact me and make your suggestion. Maybe you have a cause that you want to raise awareness about. Let me know and we'll get you on the air. Of course there are some guidelines you must follow.

"One Voice Radio" will be a show about current events specifically those affecting the Latino community. 

The first show airs on 3/22 at 11 am. Our first guest will be Jen Allen the Executive Director of Border Action Network. We will be discussing immigration reform. We will also be talking about recent rallies that were held here in AZ and in Washington D.C. You can join the conversation by calling (646) 716-7714.

Our first show will air on 3/22/2010 at 11 am and you can hear it at If you can not hear it at that time don't worry, just go to the show's webpage and listen to it on demand! You can also podcast it to your iTunes! I hope you tune in and I'll talk to you on the air!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

We are America!

On March 10th 2010 150 people gathered at the Arizona State Capitol to deliver a message to Governor Jan Brewer. The message, "Enough is enough".  The AZ State Legislature was trying to pass an anti-immigration bill this week. (HB2632/SB1070) Thanks in part to the 150 people that showed up at the Capitol to denounce it it has, for now, been postponed to next week and some are saying that it may be postponed even further.

Border Action Network, a non-profit organization based in Tucson were the organizers of this event. In just one weekend they were able to collect 6,000 petitions from AZ residents urging Governor Jan Brewer to veto the bills being proposed by the State Legislature. In a time when AZ is in a huge budget crisis forcing the state to consider cutting education and to lay off hundreds of Police officers many, including Border Action believe that this will only cost the state millions that the state does not have to "train government employees, incarcerate and prosecute people who have committed administrative violations and defend against lawsuit payouts that are guaranteed to be filed against the state".

According to Border Action "The bill is an unfunded mandate. It applies a one-size-fits-all approach to law enforcement and local governance that takes local decision making, discretion and flexibility away from local agencies and officials". 

Border Action went inside the Capitol building to personally hand deliver the 6,000 petitions to Governor Jan Brewer. The proper steps were taken to request an appointment with the Governor. However she declined to see Border Action Representatives. Shame on you Governor Brewer for not taking the time to speak to your constituents! We'll be sure to remember that when we vote in the coming elections! 

Border Action has vowed to return on 3/17 with more supporters to again remind the Governor that this issue is not going away. The fight will continue!.

If you live in AZ and would like to help please contact the Governor's office and let them know that this bill is unacceptable! You can also join Border Action on 3/17 when they go back to the Capitol stronger and louder!

                       WE ARE HUMAN, WE ARE AMERICA!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Please join Border Action this week in their campaign to tell the Arizona legislature and Governor Jan Brewer that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! If you live in Arizona Border Action is asking you to tell the AZ House of Representatives to vote NO on HB2632/SB1070! Yet another anti-immigration bill. The campaign will culminate on Wednesday at the office of Governor Jan Brewer. Below are the steps you can take to help. See you there!
Here's what you can do:

1. As soon as you read this, print out this postcard, make copies of it and get all your friends and family to sign it.

2. Pull out your calendar and write "Going to Protest at Governor's office" on Wednesday, March 10th at 11:00am and "Bring all my friends and my 500 signed postcards."

3. Monday -Send an email or fax to your Representative telling them to VOTE NO on HB2632. Sign up to receive an email alert on Sunday so it's at the top of your inbox on Monday –it will take 30 seconds to send the email! Make sure they hear from you!

4. Tuesday -Call your Representatives and tell them to VOTE No on HB2632. To find out who your two Representatives are and how to call directly:

5. Wednesday –Go to the Rally at Governor Brewer's office at 1700 W. Washington St. in Phoenix to demand she VETO HB2632/SB1070. We will deliver the thousands of postcards, hear from the breadth of Arizona leaders who are opposed to this legislation and announce the next steps to challenge this law and its proponents. Download a flier and share it with friends.

5.5 If you can't make it to the rally, call, email or fax Governor Jan Brewer to tell her you wish you were outside personally protesting but are calling her instead! Click here to sign our online petition.

Toll Free 1-(800) 253-0883

Fax (602) 542-1381

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hitler and the IPad!

What if Hitler were alive today. What would his reaction have been to Apple's IPad? Well thanks to Youtube we can now know exactly what he would say! Below are two videos that had me ROFL!

WARNING! The Fuhrer has a potty mouth!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Phoenix, Arizona has been at the frontlines of the "Border Battle" for quite some time, Salvador Reza has been in the trenches fighting for Latinos since before the proverbial first shot was fired. Reza came to this country in 1961 when he was a child, He is a U.S. Air Force veteran and a community organizer who believes that all immigrants who want to work should be welcomed with full labor rights.

Reza has been a strong critic against MCSO self-proclaimed "America's Toughest Sheriff" Joe Arpaio. In 2005, the Arizona state legislature passed a state law making it a felony, punishable by up to two years in jail, to smuggle illegal aliens across the border. While already a federal crime, Arizona's law, also known as the "Coyote law", made it legal for local police to enforce immigration law and also classified persons being smuggled as co-conspirators subject to penalties as laid out in the law.

Arpaio has been conducting "Crime Sweeps" mainly on heavily Latino populated areas. Creating controversy and outcry among the Latino community in Phoenix as well as across the nation. The Sheriff has been accused of violating civil rights.This should come as no surprise; many allegations have come to light in recent years accusing Joe Arpaio of civil rights violations in his jails and during the so called "Crime Sweeps." His practices have been criticized by organizations such as Amnesty International, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Arizona Ecumenical Council, the American Jewish Committee, and the Arizona chapter of the Anti-Defamation League. The editorial board of The New York Times called Arpaio "America's Worst Sheriff". The Rev. Al Sharpton recently said, "Arizona can be as equal as everyone else when it comes to civil rights.' That is, when Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio 'is out of town'."

Typical of Joe Arpaio when confronted with these allegations he has been defiant and at times arrogant. "Sheriff Joe" says that won't slow him down, that he'll drive people he calls "illegals" to the border himself if he has to, and in fact, it's time for a showdown. These allegations have prompted the U.S. Department of Justice to conduct and investigations on the Sheriff and MCSO's practices during these "Crime Sweeps." Joe Arpaio calls the inquiry into his office as "Politically motivated."

Lawsuits brought against Arpaio by employees, former employees, inmates, and the families of dead inmates have cost the county millions and Arpaio has misled the public about the cost to taxpayers of lawsuits. For example, the case of Scott Norberg, who died in jail, Arpaio has frequently said the $8.25 million settlement cost the county nothing and was covered by insurance. What he does not say is that, at the time of the settlement, the county had a $1 million deductible. Because of these lawsuits, the deductible for the sheriff's office insurance coverage has increased from $1 million to $5 million per incident. With Arizona having one of the biggest state deficits in the country, how many more settlements can it afford?

It was announced last week that a Grand Jury is also looking at allegations of civil rights violations. Comments like the ones he made on Rick Sanchez's show on CNN won't help his case either. When asked by Rick Sanchez how did he know that someone he was about to arrest was here in the country illegally, he said, "It has to do with the clothes they are wearing, their speech." He went on to say that these factors are in the federal law he follows. Rick Sanchez asked the Assistant Secretary of ICE, John Morton, if in fact that the clothes and the speech of an individual is enough probable cause to arrest someone for suspicion of being in the country illegally. John Morton said, "Not for an immigration offense, no." (Joe Arpaio was stripped of the authority given to him by ICE under 287g on Oct. 15, 2009).

The Assistant Secretary went on to say that "At the end of the day I feel that the sweeps he conducts in Maricopa County aren't consistent with our priorities as an agency...namely to identify and remove serious criminal aliens from the streets of Arizona." When asked by Rick Sanchez what Arpaio was doing wrong, John Morton said "His sweeps are over-broad..."

Arpaio confirmed the Assistant Secretaries statements about his sweeps being "overbroad" by defying the Federal government and launched a "crime sweep" on a car wash in the city of Peoria. However it doesn't stop there. The arrogance has been contentious. Recently a MCSO officer was caught on tape taking confidential material right out of a defense attorney's desk in the middle of a hearing! Doesn't the constitution protect us against this very exact thing?! The answer is yes!


The officer, Adam Stoddard was found in contempt of court and was ordered by a judge to hold a press conference to publicly apologize or go to jail. Joe Arpaio, not being able to resist the opportunity to make a statement, said, "I decide who holds press conferences and when they are held regarding this Sheriff's Office." The Officer did hold a press conference only to say that he was not apologizing. He spent Several weeks in "Jail." (All reports point to him not being in an actual cell.)
For these and many alleged civil rights violations, Salvador Reza is calling out to all that will support him to come to his "March for Human Rights" on January 16th 2010 at 9 am at Falcon Park in Phoenix.

For more info go to Puente's website or call 602.314.5870 Celebrities such as Linda Ronstadt will be there to show their support. Also showing their support will be Dolores C. Huerta, the co-founder and First Vice President Emeritus of the United Farm Workers of America.

Will this be the end of Joe Arpaio? Many are hoping that it is. What do you think?