
Friday, March 12, 2010


Many of you may already know that I have started a new internet radio talk show! I am super excited about this! Today I am announcing the name of the show. Drum roll please... the name is "One Voice Radio"!
Why "One Voice Radio"? because this show is going to be different. This show will be powered by you the listener. This is your opportunity to get your voice heard. If there is a topic that you want me to talk about you can contact me and make your suggestion. Maybe you have a cause that you want to raise awareness about. Let me know and we'll get you on the air. Of course there are some guidelines you must follow.

"One Voice Radio" will be a show about current events specifically those affecting the Latino community. 

The first show airs on 3/22 at 11 am. Our first guest will be Jen Allen the Executive Director of Border Action Network. We will be discussing immigration reform. We will also be talking about recent rallies that were held here in AZ and in Washington D.C. You can join the conversation by calling (646) 716-7714.

Our first show will air on 3/22/2010 at 11 am and you can hear it at If you can not hear it at that time don't worry, just go to the show's webpage and listen to it on demand! You can also podcast it to your iTunes! I hope you tune in and I'll talk to you on the air!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

We are America!

On March 10th 2010 150 people gathered at the Arizona State Capitol to deliver a message to Governor Jan Brewer. The message, "Enough is enough".  The AZ State Legislature was trying to pass an anti-immigration bill this week. (HB2632/SB1070) Thanks in part to the 150 people that showed up at the Capitol to denounce it it has, for now, been postponed to next week and some are saying that it may be postponed even further.

Border Action Network, a non-profit organization based in Tucson were the organizers of this event. In just one weekend they were able to collect 6,000 petitions from AZ residents urging Governor Jan Brewer to veto the bills being proposed by the State Legislature. In a time when AZ is in a huge budget crisis forcing the state to consider cutting education and to lay off hundreds of Police officers many, including Border Action believe that this will only cost the state millions that the state does not have to "train government employees, incarcerate and prosecute people who have committed administrative violations and defend against lawsuit payouts that are guaranteed to be filed against the state".

According to Border Action "The bill is an unfunded mandate. It applies a one-size-fits-all approach to law enforcement and local governance that takes local decision making, discretion and flexibility away from local agencies and officials". 

Border Action went inside the Capitol building to personally hand deliver the 6,000 petitions to Governor Jan Brewer. The proper steps were taken to request an appointment with the Governor. However she declined to see Border Action Representatives. Shame on you Governor Brewer for not taking the time to speak to your constituents! We'll be sure to remember that when we vote in the coming elections! 

Border Action has vowed to return on 3/17 with more supporters to again remind the Governor that this issue is not going away. The fight will continue!.

If you live in AZ and would like to help please contact the Governor's office and let them know that this bill is unacceptable! You can also join Border Action on 3/17 when they go back to the Capitol stronger and louder!

                       WE ARE HUMAN, WE ARE AMERICA!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Please join Border Action this week in their campaign to tell the Arizona legislature and Governor Jan Brewer that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! If you live in Arizona Border Action is asking you to tell the AZ House of Representatives to vote NO on HB2632/SB1070! Yet another anti-immigration bill. The campaign will culminate on Wednesday at the office of Governor Jan Brewer. Below are the steps you can take to help. See you there!
Here's what you can do:

1. As soon as you read this, print out this postcard, make copies of it and get all your friends and family to sign it.

2. Pull out your calendar and write "Going to Protest at Governor's office" on Wednesday, March 10th at 11:00am and "Bring all my friends and my 500 signed postcards."

3. Monday -Send an email or fax to your Representative telling them to VOTE NO on HB2632. Sign up to receive an email alert on Sunday so it's at the top of your inbox on Monday –it will take 30 seconds to send the email! Make sure they hear from you!

4. Tuesday -Call your Representatives and tell them to VOTE No on HB2632. To find out who your two Representatives are and how to call directly:

5. Wednesday –Go to the Rally at Governor Brewer's office at 1700 W. Washington St. in Phoenix to demand she VETO HB2632/SB1070. We will deliver the thousands of postcards, hear from the breadth of Arizona leaders who are opposed to this legislation and announce the next steps to challenge this law and its proponents. Download a flier and share it with friends.

5.5 If you can't make it to the rally, call, email or fax Governor Jan Brewer to tell her you wish you were outside personally protesting but are calling her instead! Click here to sign our online petition.

Toll Free 1-(800) 253-0883

Fax (602) 542-1381