To think I once trusted you with my life.
To think I was once proud to call you my wife.
To think I let you in my heart.
I never thought you would be the one to tear it apart.
To think of how much I once admired you.
To think of how much I once desired you.
To think I once placed you in the highest pedestal.
To think of that one day you ruined it all.
To think I once planned to have kids with you.
How can I now? I don't believe in you!
To think of how you dared to tell me "I love you" after what you did.
Makes me wnat to cut my veins and let them bleed!
To think of you brings back the pain.
I'll be dammed if I'm going to get fooled again!
To think of you brings out a darkness that I have tried hard to suppress.
Now that darkness won't let me rest.
To think of how perfect I thought we were.
How could I not see what was truly there?
To think of you asking me if I thought we would "last forever."
You had everything planned out, you were so clever!
To think of how you took advantage of my trust.
For a selfish moment of lust.
To think of how hard I tried to be true to you.
To think you were the one I thought I knew.
To think of you reminds me of how much I loved you!